Daily Sex Is Good For Health Or Not? Research And Findings

Health Benefits of Sex

Sex brings a shower of pleasure for both men and women; it immediately strikes your mind with the feelings of climax, orgasm, love, and excitement.

But ever pondered on How Is Sex Good for Your Health?

Now that might direct your mind specifically towards reproductive sex, but there is a vast river of health benefits that sex holds the gate to.

All you need to do is open the gate and let sex work for you:

  • Emotionally
  • Physically
  • Psychologically
  • And socially of course!

While most of the readers here already know about the social effects of sexual satisfaction, today we unlock some great Health Benefits of Sex as we read ahead.

So get ready to explore some unknown health facts about sex and pleasure.


How Sex Is Good For Health? – Benefits and Importance

The benefits of sex on health can be broadly classified as:

  • Physiological Benefits
  • Psychological Benefits

Is Sex Healthy


Physiological Benefits of Sex on Health


#1. Enhances Sleep Quality

Orgasm regulates the secretion of prolactin and many other happy hormones that contribute to a quality nap post-sex.

However, according to experts, the secretion is minimum during self-pleasure but increases to maximum levels when you orgasm with a partner.

Research says, that the release of prolactin post sexual intercourse can go as high as 400% more than masturbation among both men and women.

But the relation between sex and sleep is bidirectional where lack of sleep can impact the sexual activeness of a person.

For example, men who have a better sleep schedule secrete more testosterone and hence have higher performance in bed.


#2. Stronger immune defense

Regular sex can also have health benefits for your immune system.

Prominent research on this subject came from the researchers at Pennsylvania University after observations of immunoglobulin A among college students with frequent sex patterns.

According to the reports, students who had sex once or twice a week had 30% more immunoglobin than students who had no sex.

The best result came from students in a long-term relationship with the highest levels of immunoglobulin.


#3. Heart health

Research suggests that men who have sex at least twice a week have 45% less risk factor of heart disease than men who have sex once a month.

Women, according to a 2016 report too have heart benefits.

The study showed that women with an active sex life had a lower risk of hypertension.


#4. Alleviates the severity of pain

Many studies have proved the fact that sex can help reduce the severity of pain such as menstrual cramps, or backaches.

In a survey conducted in 2013 among people with headaches that the following percentage of people found relief from headaches posts sexual intercourse:

  • 30% of participants with headache
  • 60% of people with migraine

This was explained by a health expert based on another researcher.

According to the expert, vaginal stimulation can have an effect similar to analgesics relieving headaches and other forms of pain.

Also, sex can increase your tolerance to pain and hence make you feel less in pain.


#5. Sex Benefits For Skin

Sex can make you look more attractive and have glowing skin.

A frequent sexual session stimulates the secretion of chemicals called pheromones that make you look attractive to your partner more than before.

Other factors that can contribute to your physical appearance are the release of estrogen in women’s bodies during sex.

The estrogen helps in plumping up the skin for a more radiant look.

Research also suggests that sex can be an aerobic exercise for your skin as it helps in the rejuvenation of the skin.

It does so because post-sex, the blood flow increases to all regions of your body including the skin increasing the supply of supply oxygen and nutrients.


#6. Burns more calories

Regular sex can be a kind of workout that helps you lose calories.

Although it won’t be as high a calorie burn as the gym session, you can still manage to burn 108 calories in just 30 minutes of a steamy session.

That’s a cool pull-off!

With so many physiological benefits already between the sheets, let’s also look upon some really good mental boosts that your orgasm is gonna gift you with.


Physiological Health Benefits of Sex


#1. Releases Stress

Sex is ultimately the best stress reliever and that’s already popular!

It increases the blood flow to your brain and helps release the feel-good hormones that bring down the levels of cortisol.

Some of the hormones released are:

  • Dopamine – influences the reward center of the brain releasing waves of pleasure
  • Endorphins – relieve pain and stress
  • Oxytocin – also known as the love hormone


#2. Improves Mood

Since oxytocin levels increase during sex, it helps make your mood go from sad to happy in just a few minutes.

According to a study conducted by over 30,000 men and women from America, sex for just a week can make you happy.

But studies also show, that it’s not just sex that can make you good wow, even holding hands, kissing and cuddling can improve your life.


#3. Improves cognitive abilities

According to studies, having a good frequency of sex during old age can contribute to the mental functioning of elders.

One such study was the study conducted by British researchers on the effects of a sexually active lifestyle on men aging 50 and 89.

The results showed:

  • Better cognitive abilities
  • Improved recalling

Women too showed similar results.

Follow-up studies revealed that such results were possible on having sex even once a week.


#4. Boosts confidence

Regular sex makes you confident about your body and your personality.

Also, it creates a bond of trust between you and your partner that makes you feel more positive.

Since some health benefits of sex also give you a healthier-looking skin, you feel bright and more energized.


#5. Helps reduce symptoms of depression

Sex can help relieve some of the symptoms of depression by improving the secretion of serotonin.

Serotonin is also known as the happy hormone and works as an anti-depressant by making you feel relaxed and happy post-sex.

Reports suggest that women who are frequent in sex have less depression than women who are not so physically active.

Other than these two general classifications of health benefits of sex, there are also gender-based sex benefits that you must know about.


Importance Of Sex To A Woman

Importance Of Sex To A Woman

According to our human body physiology, when you orgasm, the blood flow to different regions increases than normal.

The body also responds with happy hormones that alleviate pain and mental stress.

In the case of women, other than the regular health benefits, sex can also aid in:


#1. Improved Bladder control

Almost 30% of women suffer from urinary incontinence. Regular sex causes regular orgasms that strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

This is because orgasm activates the pelvic floor muscles, toning them for better urinary control.


#2. Boosts libido

Women can boost their libido by having regular sex.

Moreover, it is helpful even if you are suffering from vaginal dryness or vaginal pain during sex.

Sex helps in improving vaginal lubrication by increasing the blood flow to the vagina. It improves the elasticity of the tissues.

All these benefits help in boosting libido.

Some other benefits of having sex daily for women include:

  • Improves fertility
  • Enhances vaginal secretion
  • Can protect you from endometriosis

Next, we talk about some great health advantages of sex for men as men get equally advantageous when it comes to having penetrating intercourse.


Importance Of Sex To A Man

Importance Of Sex To A Man

According to studies one of the best benefits that men could achieve with penile-vaginal sex.

For example, a study showed that men who had an average of 4-6 times ejaculation a week had a 36 percent lesser risk of prostate cancer than other men.

However, the report was significant against men who just ejaculated 2.3 times a week.

Other studies showed that sex can be a key to longer mortality.

One such prominent studies follow-up showed that men with a better frequency of orgasm which could be twice a week had a 50% less mortality rate than men having sex at a lesser frequency.

The last benefit that we came across about how sex is good for health among men was fertility.

A study conducted at a renowned fertility center showed that men with a daily higher frequency of ejaculation had:

  • Higher quality sperm
  • Sperm had healthy DNA

These two factors showed a better fertility rate among such men as compared to men who ejaculated less.

Looking at the benefits, you surely get the answer to Daily Sex Is Good For Health Or Not but things aren’t the same always.

Though there aren’t any Sex Disadvantages for Health doing it daily can leave some discomfort.


Disadvantages Of Having Sex Everyday

Sex affects the entire body because of increased blood flow and higher secretions of some happy hormones.

Now this usually has benefits, but too much sex can also have some effects which you might not like:


#1. Too much redness

Sexual arousal is all about increased blood flow to various parts of the body that could lead to:

  • Swollen vulva or red vulva
  • Flushed cheeks and chest because of increased blood flow


#2. Muscular cramps

Sex is a form of exercise that engages all of your muscles and hence could lead to cramps because of excessive stress on the muscles.

Certain areas that are usually affected are:

  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Thighs
  • Hip
  • Calves


#3. Change in the odor of vaginal secretion

Women usually notice a change in the odor of vaginal secretion post unprotected sex.

This is because of the interaction between the super acidic nature of vaginal secretion and the basic ejaculation.

Ejaculation usually changes the nature of vaginal pH and hence changes the odor.

However, if you have been noticing the smell quite a few times it’s time to ring the doctor.


#4. Sore Vaginal muscles

Usually, soreness of the muscles is common when it’s in other areas like arms, core muscles, or thighs, but it’s not normal for your vagina.

It could either be a sign of infection or because of lack of lube or penetrating too quickly.


#5. Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs are more common among women as compared to men because men have a shorter urethral tube.

It occurs because of the entry of bacteria and other infection-causing microorganisms through acts like penetration.

Some of the common symptoms of UTI are:

  • Increased frequency of urinating
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Blood in urine
  • Pain around the kidney area


#6. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STDs are infections usually transmitted from one person to another through sexual intercourse.

If your partner has an STD it could be transmitted to:

  • Genitals
  • Mouth
  • Anus

Usually, people are not able to perceive if a partner is suffering from an STD because usually, the diseases are asymptomatic.

Thus it could be a good idea to use a barrier type of protection, but the best is to get your partner and yourself tested.

Hence, as we see there could be possible side effects of having too much sex too!

Other than STDs, you can prevent other discomforts by sticking to a healthy frequency rate of sex.


How Much Sex Is Good For Health?

A study conducted back in 2015 was positive about the frequency of sexual activity associated with health benefits.

But the frequency was limited to having sex once a week, and the rate of benefits showed no changes post increasing the frequency.

However, this frequency could show benefits when increased in young adults.

For example, the following frequency could be considered:

  • Adults – 54 times a year
  • In the 20s – 80 times per year
  • the 60s – 20 times per year



The confusion regarding Sex Is Good Or Bad clears out with numerous studies highlighting amazing health benefits.

But the health benefits were only noted for sex with a partner.

Other than the health benefits, it also has relationship benefits, as it improves your intimacy with your partner.

It can also help you develop social skills with your partner and build a strong bond.

Nevertheless, with these many benefits come some discomforts too like soreness of the muscles and cramps.

Hence it is good to stick to a good frequency and not have sex daily!


Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How many times sex in a day is healthy?

Your personal choice on how many times a day you wanna have sex is normal.

It could be multiple times a day, a week, or even no sex.

But once a week is thought to be good for health.


  1. Can we do sex in periods?

There is no particular reason to avoid sex during periods unless you are feeling too squeamish.

It is completely safe and it could have a few advantages.

Some of the advantages of having sex during periods are reduced mood swings and fewer period cramps.


  1. What should you do after sex?

For safe post-sexual experience:

  • Avoid running straight to the washroom for cleaning up
  • Avoid douching
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes
  • Drink enough water


  1. What is the safest way of having sex?

There isn’t the safest way to have sex. Usually, the term safer sex highlights using condoms and barrier methods.

But since it does not provide 100% protection against pregnancy, you cant call it safest.


  1. Does sex make you glow?

Sex is a form of physical exercise mainly of aerobic type as it increases the blood flow by increasing nitric oxide levels and improves nutrients flow to the skin making it plump.

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