Urinary Tract Infection: Symptoms, Causes And Preventive Measures


UTI is the abbreviation for Urinary Tract Infection. UTI is pretty common among women.

UTIs can be really painful and burning for women. Hence, having sex during UTI can be a major issue too.

Some people make it an obvious perception in their mind that if you are suffering from UTI, sex is a hard no.

Nevertheless, the actual answer is yes and no.

This implies that one might have sex during UTI under certain conditions. During the first couple of days, UTIs can be painful.

They can be painful enough for you to lose interest in having sex.

However, after a couple of days when it starts to heal. One might think to get back in the game.

The real question here arises is that can you have sex with a UTI even if it’s not completely healed?

Can you pass a UTI to your partner during this time?

Well, if you are looking for such answers you are at the ideal place. This post will discuss everything about UTI and sex.

Firstly, let’s begin with what UTI is.


What Is UTI?

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is abbreviated as UTI. It’s quite frequent, accounting for around a quarter of all infections.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any portion of your urinary system. Your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are all part of your urinary stream.

A UTI can occur in any of these locations, but it most commonly occurs when a bacterium from your gastrointestinal system travels from your rectum to your bladder or urethra.

The contamination of the urethra and bladder is the most prevalent type of UTI.

This is a less serious UTI that may generally be treated with medication.

Upward infestations are what UTIs are generally characterized with.

Meaning, the bacteria will continue to grow as soon as they can unless the illness is eradicated by antibiotics.

Bacteria can spread from your urinary bladder and nearby area to your kidneys, causing indefinite damage or septic, a possibly life risky infection if left unchecked.

You might wonder how do you get a UTI? What are the causes behind it?

Because causes are the best approach to treat any condition.

Hence, the next section dedicates itself to what are the possible causes of Urinary Tract Infection.


What Are The Causes Of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)?

When bacteria somehow enter any part of your urinary tract you might have a UTI.

This bacterium can be a virus or a fungus. Being a woman makes you more probable of having a UTI.

If you are a woman the risk of you having a UTI increases by 50%. Hence, women are always suggested to take all possible precautions to avoid such issues.

Now, why does a woman have urinary tract infection more commonly?

The bladder and the perineum are nearly around each other in vaginas. Moreover, the urethral opening is smaller in vaginas than in penises.

Bacteria do not have to travel far to trigger problems in your urinary tracts when you have intercourse or make the unfortunate error of cleaning butt to front.

During sexual practices or when a female sweep from the butt to the front following using the loo, E. coli from the colon can move from the rectum to the urethra entrance.

During intercourse, other microorganisms can invade the urethra.  UTI is not a sexually communicated disease.

Nevertheless, other STIs on the person’s or their mate’s genitals, such as herpes, gonorrhea, mycoplasma, or chlamydia, can infiltrate the urethra and cause a UTI.

Other risk factors, including menopause, can also increase the occurrence of UTIs in vaginal users.

These infections can be exacerbated by estrogen deficiency caused by menopause.

The probable reasons for how does a woman get a urinary tract infection can sum as:

  • Wiping your genital area from butt to vagina
  • During intercourse or other sexual activities
  • Infections transmitted through your partner
  • Menopause and estrogens levels
  • Diabetes which is not within the control
  • Anything which weakens the immune system.

These were the probable causes of UTI in women. But you should be able to deduce that you have a UTI.

Hence, it is essential to know what are the possible indications of a UTI.

The next section discusses the symptoms you will notice during urinary tract infections.


What Are The Symptoms Of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)?

Usually, symptoms come up a little late in UTIs. However, it is treatable even then, do not worry.

Here are a few symptoms you could look out for:

  • A constant need to urinate
  • Going to the toilet a lot but urinating only in tiny amounts
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Foggy pee is a type of pee that has a cloudy look.
  • Pee that is vivid pink, crimson, or brown in color
  • Pee with a pungent odor
  • Anguish in the pelvic area, particularly in the middle
  • Urethral emission that is abnormal
  • Shivers
  • High temperature
  • Puking and dizziness

Indications vary based on the infected location; a bladder infection can cause pelvic tension, lower-abdominal pain, regular pain when urinating, and blood in your flow.

If you have any of the symptoms listed above, you should consult a doctor to be evaluated and treated.

You may have upper back and side aches, a high temperature, trembling and chills, diarrhea, and puking if the infection goes to your kidneys.

In this scenario, you should go to the emergency department.

These signs may be bothersome. But they will not restrict you from having penetrative intercourse.

But it does not imply you will be up to it. A urinary tract infection (UTI) can aggravate delicate tissue, and sexual activity might affect those tissues even more.

Sexual activity might also expose your partner to danger and raise your risk of problems.

That’s why doctors normally advise waiting until you are symptom-free and completed with your medication before having sex.

However, this does not rule out the possibility of having sex.

Let’s look at the conditions under which you can have sex if you have a UTI.


Can You Have Sex With A UTI?

Sex With A UTI

The major concern for people when sex during UTI is concerned is safety. UTIs are not spread through sex and are not communicable.

This means that if a person has a UTI, they will not transmit it to their companion.

In most circumstances, a person with a UTI’s sexual partners will not require medical attention. While an individual who has a UTI, are exposed to various hazards associated with having intercourse.

Having intercourse while suffering from a UTI can be painful and aggravate a fragile urethra.

Friction on the interior walls of the vaginal canal can apply strain on the bladder, exacerbating the symptoms of a UTI in women.

Intercourse can also push bacteria into the urethra from other parts of the genital area. Frequent intercourse is a substantial contributing factor for having a UTI in many ladies.

Because having sex whilst infection is still persistent raises the chance of introducing additional germs into the urinary tract, it’s best to avoid it.

Moreover, it becomes a matter of comfort during such situations and not safety.

If you have an ongoing urinary infection, you will, not be very comfy in the vaginal region most of the time.

So postponing intercourse until things calm down and you feel better is definitely the best option.

But even then, you decide to have penetrative sex, then we should tell you what you can expect.


What Can You Expect While Having Sex With A UTI?

Although it is advisable to wait until you are completely recovered, yet we feel it our responsibility to warn you about potential mishaps during this.


  1. Coitus while having a UTI can be extremely painful

If you’re being diagnosed with a UTI, it all relies on where you are in the process of your treatment.

When bacteria enter your urethra and multiply in your urinary tract, you acquire a urinary tract infection.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can irritate and aggravate the delicate tissues in your urinary system. During vaginal penetration, be it fingers, a toy, or a penis can impose pressure on the urine organs.

A UTI can also affect the urethral aperture of the penis. These sensations might make sex more painful and uncomfortable.

If you have a UTI, vaginal intercourse may be uncomfortable, but anal sex may be.

Whether the mood hits, share your feelings with your partner and see if it’s something you both give consent to.


  1. Additional diseases may be triggered by sex.

In the event, you have a UTI and it is not healed, intercourse will definitely make you suffer terribly because of the stimulation of the tissue down there.

However, if you are currently being treated, you may have no problems.

Do not overlook the fact that medicines will kick in within 24 hrs.


  1. It’s possible that you will transmit additional germs.

When you have a UTI, the virus that enters your urinary tract typically arrives from the anus.

Since you already have a UTI, there’s a danger that having sex, especially vaginal penetration sex, will introduce additional bacteria.

Bacteria can be transported from one opening to another by the use of a penis, finger, or dildo.

That excess germs may end up in your urinary tract as a result of the process.

However, if you are already on a medication and it’s working, the bacteria should be killed. If you are unfortunate, it might get pushed upwards causing detrimental effects.

These are the dangers you might want to keep in mind before engaging in sex with a UTI.

Even though some people might want to have intercourse. Therefore, it is always prudent to know some safety tips.

Some of you might have doubts regarding birth control and UTI medicines.

So, we have cleared that as well in the next section.


Can You Have Sex After UTI Antibiotics?

Sex After UTI Antibiotics

One thing must be made perfectly clear here that your UTI antibiotics do not affect your birth control.

Thankfully, you can use your birth control medicines and they will work perfectly fine. Your antibiotics will not interfere with its process.

Rifampicin and rifabutin are the only medications that may affect hormonal contraception such as the pill.

Those drugs are used to treat tuberculosis and other bacterial diseases, but not UTIs.

Other medicines, on the other hand, can make hormonal contraception less potent, posing a risk of birth control disruption anytime you start a new medication.

It’s also worth noting that spermicide can make you more susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTIs).

As a result, we recommend that you discuss everything with your gynecologist or doctor before taking any action. It is, without a doubt, the finest method to avoid any unpleasant situations in the future.

We have discussed a few safety tips you can practice to avoid future UTIs.


Preventive Measures For Future UTIs

After you have had your 1st UTI, you will want to stay away from them in the foreseeable.

This is because of the aggravating pain they cause.

According to medics and public health professionals, there are a few strategies to avoid a sex-related UTI:


Before and after intercourse, urinate

You should go to the bathroom as soon as the deed is completed, even if it seems tedious and unromantic.

You’ll be able to wash out any microorganisms that have made their way into your urethral in this manner.


After intercourse, wash your hands

During penetrative sex, microorganisms from surrounding the anus are known to move closer to the urethral entrance.

This is especially true in the case of anal sex. Washing after fornication can help eradicate harmful microorganisms.


Make sure you get plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water diminishes your urine and causes you to urinate more often, allowing bacteria to be eliminated before they can establish a colony in your urinary system.


Wiping genital area carefully 

By not wiping from the cervix to the anus or conversely, you can reduce the danger of bacteria transmitting.

To avoid a subsequent infection, shun blowjobs as well.


Don’t practice douching

Just don’t touch if you are considering it. It has the potential to disrupt your vaginal flora, putting you at risk of infection.

Douching has been connected to a variety of health issues, particularly bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections, among others.

Other unpleasant feminine items, including sprays and powders, should also be avoided.


The grand finale should be anal penetration.

By switching from anal to vaginal intercourse, bacteria may be able to cause a UTI. Also, ensure your sex equipment is hygienic.


You could be allergic to something

Consult a doctor about barrier-free options.

UTIs are common in some people who have allergies to contraceptives, diaphragms, or other barrier measures.

Now we will discuss a few common questions.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Can You Get A UTI From Fingers?

Yes indeed. However, not by fingering alone will you get UTI.

It might so happen that your or your partner’s fingers were in the anal region previously.

Then it might increase your chances of developing a UTI.


My Boyfriend Has A UTI But I Don’t, Can I Get The UTI?

UTIs are not spread through sexual contact and are not contagious.

This means that if a person has a UTI, they will not transmit it to their partner.

In most circumstances, an individual with a UTI’s sexual partners will not require medical attention.


Can You Get A UTI From A Guy Ejaculating In You?

UTIs are not sexually transmitted, as previously stated.

However, it is not recommended to have sex when suffering from UTIs because it can spread the infection.

You won’t get a UTI from your partner’s ejaculation.

However, you could have a UTI if bacteria from his or her anus resurfaces in the urethra during sex.


How long does it take to get UTI Symptoms?

The gestation period, the time between exposure and onset of symptoms, differs depending on the microorganism.

On average, the duration of common UTI caused by E. coli ranges from three to eight days.


What if I’d already had sex with someone who had a UTI?

To begin with, the pain of a UTI will prevent you from engaging in any sexual activity.

Second, according to sexologists, you should only have sex if and when you are comfortable.

You must be concerned about transmission, but you may have to prioritize your comfort.


In Conclusion

It is advisable to visit a doctor if you feel weird in that area.

UTIs generally do not cause any life-threatening problems. However, it can, if not treated timely.

Hence, visit your doctor as soon as possible. When it comes to sex, it is suggested to cease it for the time being.

Nevertheless, it comes down to consent and comfort ultimately.

Communicate to your partner your condition. If you have his or her consent then go for it.

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