Top 8 Penis Enlargement Exercises You Have To Try For A Bigger Dick

Penis Enlargement Exercises

Penis Enlargement Exercises

Penis enlargement, most often called male sexual enhancement refers to an assortment of techniques intended to increase length, girth, and erectile rigidity of the penis.

The majority of men resort to natural Penis Enlargement Exercises to enlarge their “little big guy” size.

Although the saying goes that size does make any difference, to the majority of men and women size does matter.

Being unhappy over the size of the penis can affect men in the bedroom and decreases the confidence level as well.

And if you want to enhance sex by adding some size to your penis with penis exercises the blog is especially for you.

You’re going to join thousands of men who have already got bigger erections and more satisfying sex life. This all has just become possible because of all-natural penis enlargement exercises. On top of that, they are happy with their new length and girth of the penis.

Do you think exercise is some kind of magic trick that will get you to result in no time?

If you’re having high hopes, you should change your mind. It takes a tremendous amount of time and dedication as well.

Natural penis enlargement exercises are proven techniques to help increase your penis size. Your gains would also be permanent but it gotta cost your time and effort and not your money.

Although exercises like jelqing are pretty simple but can be potentially dangerous to health if not done properly.

Apart from the report of increasing sexual stamina and penis size, there are reports of getting penis injured permanently.

So, consult with your trainer/doctor before starting with any exercise to avoid any kind of injury.

It’s better to have a working penis than a broken one.


The Warm-Up

The first and foremost phase in penis enlargement exercises is warm up. It is essential as it increases the blood flow to the penis. In addition to that, it makes skin more flexible and easier to do the exercise.

Warm-up maximizes the chance of gains and declines the chances of injuring yourself!

Though there are numerous ways of warming up such as heating pads, rice socks, or infrared lamps; we prefer a wet towel method.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Soak the towel in hot or warm water
  2. Wrap your penis in the towel for 10 minutes
  3. Pour warm water if the towel gets cold
  4. Keep in mind that you don’t burn your skin

After following these steps, you’re adequately warmed up to continue with your regime based on the exercises.


The Natural Penis Workouts: It’s Good for Length And Girth

#1. Ultimate Stretcher

This is the ultimate technique for increasing penis length. It’s a pretty simple tactic that involves stretching your little big guy.

Improves: Length

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Risk of injury: Small

The time required: 5-10 Minutes



Steps to follow for Ultimate Stretcher exercise

  1. Warm-up properly.
  2. Retract your foreskin and grasp your phallus behind (about one inch below) head/glans gently.
  3. Don’t continue with the exercise if you feel pain or significant discomfort (do not cut off too much blood circulation).
  4. Pull it outwards with enough force to feel a painless stretch inside your shaft.
  5. Hold that position for 20 to 30 seconds.
  6. If needed, rest for 5 seconds.
  7. Repeat steps 2 to 4 and pull it upwards to your belly button.
  8. Again repeat and pull it downwards to your knees.
  9. Repeat but this time pull it to your right side.
  10. Repeat but this time pull it to your left side.
  11. Take your time to go through a cooling down phase.

Extra Tips:

  • Repeat this tactic 2 minutes in every direction
  • Last your session for at least 5-10 minutes
Note: You’ll achieve between 0-30% better erection quality.

After this exercise enough blood will flow to the penis, this is because of several warm-up and cool-down techniques. This will also speed up your recovery period and growth.


#2. Thumb Stretcher

This is one of the slightly different penis enlargement exercises to increase penis length.

Improves: Length

Difficulty level: Advanced

Risk of injury: Medium

The time required: 2-3 Minutes

Thumb Stretcher Workout


Steps to follow for Thumb Stretcher exercise

  1. Warm-up properly.
  2. Retract your foreskin and grasp your phallus behind (about one inch below) head/glans gently.
  3. You should pull it outwards without feeling any pain or significant discomfort.
  4. Use your other hand to place a thumb at the base of your penis.
  5. Press with your thumb down in the direction of your knees.
  6. You should pull in both directions at the same time with enough force to feel a painless stretch inside your shaft.
  7. Hold that position for 20 to 30 seconds.
  8. If needed, rest for 5 seconds between each repetition.
  9. Repeat steps 2-7 four times in one session but changes the spot where you place your thumb.
  10. Take your time to go through a cooling down phase.

Extra Tips:

  • One session should last for 2-3 minutes
Note: You’ll achieve in between 0-30% erection.

You should properly go through the cool-down phase as it’s essential to have proper recovery and growth. If you’re not going through a cooling-down phase, you have a high chance of adverse side-effects.


#3. Backward Puller

This exercise lets you pull your penis to the backward.

Improves: Length & skin

Difficulty level: Beginner

Risk of injury: Medium

The time required: 4-6 Minutes


Steps to follow for Backward Puller exercise

  1. Warm-up properly.
  2. Retract your foreskin and place your thumbs on the top of your shaft one inch behind head/glans.
  3. Place other fingers on both hands on the bottom side of your shaft to support it.
  4. Pull the skin on top of your penis with your thumbs in the direction of your body.
  5. Use enough force to feel a painless stretch and tension in your shaft.
  6. Hold that position for about 15-25 seconds.
  7. If needed, rest for 5 seconds between each repetition.
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 ten times in one session but changes the spot where you place your thumbs.
  9. Take your time to go through a cooling down phase.

Extra Tips:

  • Choose alternate spots where you place your thumb to spread gains uniformly
  • The session should last at least for 4-6 minutes
Note: This exercise will help you achieve between 30-75% erection.

Though this exercise is not effective, it’ll provide great help to your penis and provide little different types of tension.


#4. Opposite Stretch

This exercise may make you flinch while reading about it. However, make no mistake whilst doing this penis enlargement exercise. This penis exercise is pretty effective in increasing your penis size.

Improves: Length

Difficulty level: Beginner

Risk of injury: Low

The time required: 3-5 Minutes


Steps to follow for Opposite Stretch exercise

  1. Warm-up properly.
  2. Retract your foreskin and grasp your phallus behind (about one inch below) head/glans firmly.
  3. Don’t continue with the exercise if you feel pain or significant discomfort (do not cut off too much blood circulation).
  4. With your second hand, grip the shaft with a standard ok-grip (between thumb and index finger) an inch above the base.
  5. Pull your first hand upwards away from and your second hand downwards to your base with enough force to feel a painless stretch inside your shaft.
  6. Hold that position for 20 to 30 seconds.
  7. If needed, rest for 5 seconds.
  8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 until you reach a desired number of repetitions.
  9. Take your time to go through a cooling down phase.

Extra Tips:

  • Begin the exercise with 6 repetition
  • Last your session for at least 3-5 minutes
Note: You’ll achieve a 0-30% better erection quality.

For doing this exercise you can use a device called a penis extender. That tool would help you some time doing the exercise.


#5. Kegels

Kegel exercise would increase the blood flow to your penis and erection quality because of strong pelvic floor muscles. Your penis happens to look larger just by maintaining extra control over the erection.

Kegels Penis Enlargement Exercise

Steps to follow for Kegel exercise

  1. Pinpoint your pelvic floor muscles by trying a method of stopping your urine flow naturally.
  2. Once located, you will need to contract these muscles.
  3. Hold this contraction for at least 5 seconds.
  4. Release and take a break for 2 seconds.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you finish the desired number of repetitions.
  6. Your daily session should last for 20-30 minutes.

Extra Tips:

  • This session should last for at least 20-30 minutes
  • Gradually increase the number of and difficulty of flexes
Note: This exercise will help improve the quality of your erection.

After mastering this exercise you should go for additional contractions per day and per session. This workout will lead to a noticeable boost in the quality of your erection as an increased amount of blood will flow to the penis.


#6. Wet Jelq

Finally, the time has come to start milking your guy. In this exercise, you’ll need some lubricant and your own hands. Here you can see nice gains and avoid injuries.

Improves: Girth & length

Difficulty level: Beginner

Risk of injury: Low

The time required: 1+ Minutes

After achieving semi-erection, you need to follow the below steps.

Wet Jelq exercise

Steps to follow for Wet Jelq exercise

  1. Warm-up properly before starts exercising.
  2. Lubricate both your hands and your shaft well (use oil-based lube).
  3. Achieve the desired erection level.
  4. With your right hand grasp the base of your cock between your thumb and index finger with an “OK/Okay Grip“.
  5. Place your grip as close to your pubic bone as possible to avoid irregular gains (baseball bat shape).
  6. Tighten your grip so you will painlessly trap the blood in your shaft.
  7. Slowly slide your hand (it should take you at least 2-3 seconds/ideally 5 seconds) up to the glans and apply enough pressure with your grip to force blood up your penis.
  8. Stop sliding your hand just before it reaches your glans (at this point you have finished one jelq).
  9. While still holding your one hand right before your glans, use the other hand to “Okay Grip” the base of your cock.
  10. Again place your grip as close to your pubic bone as possible.
  11. Release your first hand that is gripping right before your glans.
  12. Return to step #6 and continue until you reach the desired number of repetitions.
  13. Do not forget to take your time to go through a cooling down phase.

Extra Tips:

  • Stop exercising as soon as you feel discomfort
  • Jelquing your glans may lead to insensitivity
  • You should start with a smaller number of repetitions
Note: This exercise will help you achieve between 50-75% erection.

In the beginning, you should consider a lower number of repetitions per session. You can increase the number of repetitions gradually.


#7. Rotating Stretch

This exercise is almost similar to the “Ultimate Stretcher”. However, there are differences between the two that you should pay attention to.

Improves: Length

Difficulty level: Beginner

Risk of injury: Low

The time required: 3+ Minutes


Steps to follow for Rotating Stretch exercise

  1. warm-up properly.
  2. Lubricate both your hands and your shaft well (use oil-based lube).
  3. Achieve the desired erection level.
  4. With your right hand grasp the base of your cock between your thumb and index finger with an “OK/Okay Grip“.
  5. Place your grip as close to your pubic bone as possible to avoid uneven gains (baseball bat shape).
  6. Tighten your grip so you will painlessly trap the blood in your shaft.
  7. Slowly slide your hand (it should take you at least 2-3 seconds/ideally 5 seconds) up to the glans and apply enough pressure with your grip to force blood up your penis.
  8. Stop sliding your hand just before it reaches your glans (at this point you have finished one jelq).
  9. While still holding your one hand right before your glans, use the other hand to “Okay Grip” the base of your cock.
  10. Again place your grip as close to your pubic bone as possible.
  11. Release your first hand that is gripping right before your glans.
  12. Return to step #6 and continue until you reach the desired number of repetitions.
  13. Do not forget to take your time to go through a cooling down phase.

Extra Tips:

  • Stretch for 20-30 seconds in each direction (clockwise and anticlockwise)
  • Last your session for at least 2-3 minutes
Note: You would achieve a 0-30% better erection quality.

Discontinue the exercise if you feel pain or discomfort. All these Penis Enlargement Exercises are meant to extend your penis pain-free.


#8. Weight Lifter


Penis hangers and weights have become popular over the years by the Japanese. The best option to lift weight is by a vacuum-based device.

Steps to follow for Weight Lifter

  1. Always try this method on your flaccid “manhood”.
  2. Attach a particular weight to your hanger that has been created solely for this purpose.
  3. This will force it to stretch downwards like in other techniques mentioned here already.
  4. Doing this will make your dick size larger gradually – in a permanent way.

Extra Tips:

  • Use a vacuum-based device as it doesn’t block blood circulation
  • You should increase the weight slowly

If you want to try this method, do a little research as it may be potentially harmful.


The Bottom Line: Penis Enlargement Exercises

If you have any concerns about your penis size, you should consult your doctor. The doctor would suggest as to how to do penis enlargement exercises safely.

First, you should learn how you can do it safely to notice changes in appearance and performance over time.

Penis Exercise Safety Rules

Here are some hard rules that every man should follow to get the maximum benefit from exercises.

  • Do a stretching session at least once a day.
  • Make sure each exercise session lasts at least 30 minutes.
  • Don’t do penis exercises for over an hour.
  • Stop all enlargement training immediately if you feel any sharp pain.

Do these exercises very carefully to get the gains. If you do these exercises incorrectly, you might get into a big problem (injury of little big guy).

You should seek immediate medical attention if you feel pain or discomfort. If you ignore it, it may lead to erectile dysfunction.



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