Why Is My Period Late? 10 Causes Of Late Period You Must Know!

Reasons For Late Periods

A woman goes through a lot of bodily transformation every month due to her menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle can cause many hormonal changes.

These menstrual cycles can also trigger due to some external factors (like stress) and cause unusual behavior in your body.

Whenever a woman misses her period, the first reason that pops in her head is pregnancy. However, it is hardly a reason for delayed or missed periods. Other than pregnancy, there are various potential explanations behind a missed period.

Pregnancy is by a long shot the most widely recognized reason for a missed period; however, there are some other clinical reasons and lifestyle reasons that can be responsible for your cycle. Outrageous weight reduction, hormonal inconsistencies, and menopause are among the most well-known causes in case you’re not pregnant.

Did you miss your periods? How much delay in periods is normal? Can you not be pregnant and still miss your periods? If you want answers to these questions then you cannot be at a more ideal place. This blog will tell you all you need to know about late periods and their causes. Later in the blog, we will also answer a few questions about delayed periods that might come to your mind.

Therefore, pregnancy is not the only reason you didn’t have your periods this month. Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test can be associated with many other reasons. Let’s get on with the possible reasons for delayed or missed periods.

Few Reasons for Late Periods

The few causes for delayed menstrual cycle might include:

  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Sleep schedule changes
  • Breastfeeding
  • Chronic diseases
  • High-Intensity Workouts
  • Extreme Weight gain or loss
  • Menarche or menopause
  • Medicines
  • Birth Control
  • Thyroid issues

Well, these were the few reasons for delayed or missed periods.

We will now discuss a few of these reasons in a more comprehensive manner.


10 Reasons For Late Periods

Before getting into the causes of un-punctual periods you should know how late can a period be without being pregnant. On the off chance that you don’t have any realized condition influencing your menstrual cycle, your period should begin within 30 days of your last period.

A period is authoritatively viewed as late if it’s been over 30 days since your last period. If you have gone more than a month and a half without bleeding, you can consider your late period or a missed period. A few things can defer your period, from the fundamental way of living changes to ongoing medical issues. Here’s a glance at 10 expected reasons.

  1. Stress

Stress can be considered one of the most significant reasons for overdue or missed periods. A little stress is fine for your body; however, taking excessive stress can disrupt your whole bodily function. Likewise, it affects your menstrual cycles too. Prolonged stress affects your hypothalamus which is responsible for secreting hormones leading to periods.

At the point when your anxiety tops, your cerebrum advises your endocrine framework to flood your body with chemicals that switch on your battle or flight mode. These chemicals cease functions in your body that aren’t fundamental to getting away from an inevitable danger, including those of your conceptive framework.

  1. Weight fluctuations

Weight changes can lead to extreme endocrine changes in your body. Due to irregularity in body fat, there can be intense irregularity in hormonal imbalance. Also, extreme calorie limitation influences that piece of your mind that regulates your endocrine framework, giving directions for the creation of conceptive chemicals. At the point when this correspondence channel is upset, hormones can go crazy.

Being overweight impacts estrogen and progesterone and may even bring about infertility. High weight is related with missed periods, and weight reduction can help direct the menstrual cycle for ladies who are corpulent. Being seriously underweight meddles with normal menstrual cycles too. At the point when the body needs fat and different supplements, it can’t deliver chemicals the manner in which it ought to.

  1. Schedule Changes

It is important to maintain regularity and smoothness in your mundane routine. Frequent fluctuations in your sleep schedule, eating habits, and shifts in habits can lead to some serious hormonal imbalance. If you regularly change work shifts, going from days to evenings, and especially if your timetable is whimsical, your period can be genuinely unpredictable.

For the most part, changes in the timetable shouldn’t make you totally miss your period however can make it start prior or later than anticipated.

  1. Medications

Some anti-depressants can cause a severe chemical imbalance in your body. Antithyroid medication and anti-psychotic medicines are also equally responsible for hormones to go crazy. These medications interfere with the natural mechanism of your anatomy. This interference with the natural endocrine mechanism of the body can lead to overdue periods or absent periods too. Chemotherapy can also be one of the reasons for late periods.

  1. Intense workouts

Weighty and extreme exercise can cause modification in your period. These meddle with the ovulation of your body. In the event that you work out of a couple of hours daily, you need not a concern. This activity is a fundamental well-being need. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you work for additional hours, you could encounter late periods. Working out into your timetable consistently is extraordinary, yet extreme practicing could prompt lower levels of estrogen, which is the chemical that controls the female regenerative cycle. It is advised that you consult a good sports doctor (if you are planning to exercise more than two hours a day). Hours of exercise that too heavy and tremendous shredding can only lead to such hormonal changes.

  1. Premenopausal | Reasons For Late Periods

Menopause refers to when a woman stops having her menstrual cycle. It is around the age of 40 to 50 that women stop having periods. However, before you enter menopause there is a transition period. This transition is known as premenopausal. This transition implies your egg supply is slowing down, and the outcome will be rare periods and at last the finish of the feminine cycle. Therefore, the abatement in periods is brought about by a decline in estrogen.

  1. Menarche

This refers to the age when a young woman starts to enter the reproductive age. Around the age of 11-15 girls starts having their menstrual cycles which are known as the menarche phase. An ordinary menstrual cycle keeps going from 21 to 35 days in ladies, however, it can change. This is particularly valid for young ladies who are merely beginning to get their periods or for ladies who have not had periods for quite a long while and are beginning once more. A young lady who has had only a couple of cycles may go a long time without another until a normal pattern begins.

  1. Birth Controls | Reasons For Late Periods

You may encounter an adjustment in your cycle when you go on or off anti-conception medication. Contraception pills contain the chemicals estrogen and progestin, which keep your ovaries from delivering eggs. It can require as long as a half year for your cycle to get consistent again subsequent to halting the pill. Different sorts of contraceptives that are embedded or infused can cause missed periods too. In case you’re utilizing another hormonal anti-conception medication strategy, including an IUD, embed, or shot, you may totally stop getting your period.

  1. Thyroid ailment

One of the symptoms of thyroid conditions is late periods. The thyroid produces chemicals that help manage the body’s cycles, and whenever rattled, it can make you have missed periods. Issues with your thyroid, like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, can upset your monthly cycle. Other symptoms of thyroid conditions might include, heart problems, appetite fluctuations, weight changes, anxiety, tiredness and insomnia.

  1. Breast Feeding

Your period may not show up after your child is conceived, yet don’t be frightened! On the off chance that you are breastfeeding your little one, an absence of periods is totally typical. Termed as lactational amenorrhea, this is a stage that disturbs the mood of your period. Following a couple of months, your menstrual cycle time will be back to its usual pattern.

Hence, these can be some of the reasons for late periods. The maximum delay in periods if not pregnant can be 30 days. Numerous things can be responsible for late periods, from routine way of life changes to hidden ailments. On the off chance that your period is consistently late, make a meeting with your medical care supplier to decide the reason.

The next section of the blog will discuss few frequently asked questions regarding late periods.


Frequently Asked Questions | Reasons For Late Periods

Here are some common questions about delayed or missed menstrual cycle:


What To Do When Periods Are Late?

Like said before, there are many reasons for delayed periods. In the event that you figure pressure may be losing your period, take a stab at rehearsing unwinding methods and making way of life changes. Adding more exercise to your routine may help get you in the groove again. Furthermore, you should at least wait for 30 days. If you get your periods within this time it will be alright. It was probably due to stress or medicines or something you ate that period was late. If you do not get your menstrual cycle within the stipulated time consult a licensed professional hence.


My Period Is 5 Days Late, Should I Be Worried?

As said before, if your periods are late for a month you need to be worried. Other than that you are fine. Usually, people are suggested to wait at least a week or so before they worry about pregnancy. Periods can be late for many reasons like stress, unhealthy diet, medication, over-exercise, etc. You should therefore try managing such causes. Also if you are not sure whether you are pregnant you can always go consult a doctor. Women are advised to withhold intercourse until they are sure.


How To Get Periods Immediately If Delayed?

You can get your periods by trying such home remedies. Although you must know these are just remedies, there is no sure result guaranteed. Therefore let get on with the home remedies:

  • Cumin Seed- They have been used for a very long time to induce pregnancy by ancestors. Try mixing it in water and then drink it.
  • Papaya- They promote contractions in women’s uterus, thereby promoting periods. Consuming papaya in its raw form is more effective. You can drink papaya juice too.
  • Ginger tea- For frequent and severe delay in periods, doctors recommend ginger tea with some parsley seeds. They have shown properties of accelerating your monthly menstrual mechanism.
  • Celery juice- A glass of celery juice twice a day has proven effective. It warms up the parts of the uterus and abdomen areas to induce blood flow. Therefore will help you get your periods.
  • Pomegranate- Drinking pomegranate juice three times a day will show effective and beneficial results.
  • Vitamin C foods- High portions of nutrient C can actuate menses by expanding the amount of estrogen in the body. Expanded levels of this hormone stimulate uterine compressions, which thus invigorates bleeding. Nutrient C can likewise diminish progesterone levels, which start the breakdown of the uterine dividers, prompting an early period. Food sources plentiful in nutrient C, for example, citrus organic products, kiwis, and vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, and peppers can be ingested for your everyday diet.

These also stimulate miscarriage. Therefore, do not consume it if you are pregnant.


What Are The Effects Of Delayed Periods?

Periods themselves are a very troublesome and horrible thing that girls have to go through. Delayed periods have only added more to it. There are some possible side effects if your periods are late. They can be:

  • Irregular uterus Bleeding
  • Frequent fluctuations in menstrual cycles.
  • Mood swings and a constant feeling of irritation
  • Immense abdominal pain and vomiting
  • Feeling no hunger.

This was all about some common question about reasons for late periods that might pop your mind.


In Conclusion | Reasons For Late Periods

The bottom line is, delayed periods are not something you must worry about.

You can be pregnant or you might not be. However, you must know that pregnancy is a beautiful gift to you, embrace it. Abortion is not an option.

If you want to stop such irregularity in your menstrual cycle, maintain your health.

Remember health is greater than any wealth in this world.

Therefore, it is important that you take care of your health. You must consult a doctor immediately if this irregularity is unceasing.

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