Top 10 Myths And Facts Related To Woman’s Breast

Breast Myths And Facts

10 Most Common Breast Myths And Facts You Must Know!

The most prominent identification feature of women is breasts.

More than half of the world’s population has them.

It is intriguing to know how surprisingly little, do people know about them.

You must have heard many things about breasts from women around you.

Especially your mom, sister, wife, or others in the family.

Most of you might have got to know many facts from your friends as well. Still, there are many unknown facts about breasts.

However, let us tell you that not every piece of information you’re fed is true.

Yes, surprising huh?

There are hundreds of weird facts about breasts that people think to be true. Even the women themselves think of a lot of myths about breasts as facts.

This leaves a majority of the population unaware of the facts about them.

Therefore, we composed this article to present a few myths and facts about breasts.

These are quite popular among people and need to be busted. Apart from the knowledge purpose, another reason for this is breast health.

Since many people believe in false myths, it also keeps them from good breast health.

It can affect their well-being and self-care too.


Breast Myths And Facts

This section mentions some of the most popular Breast Myths And Facts.

All of these are briefly put along with their facts to make people aware of the truth.

Facts About Breast

MYTH 01:  Genetics do not affect breast size

Breast size varies a lot in different women.

They can be different in shape and volume as well. It has nothing to do with the looks, as no size is ever ugly.

However, many people don’t believe that breast size depends on the genetics of a person.

They say that genetics don’t affect how big or small your breasts are. Though it is not true.

Moreover, research has proven, breast size is dependent on the genetic factor. The size of a woman’s breasts is a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

The shape, size, and volume of breasts are all genetically influenced.

Women are usually predisposed to having bigger or smaller breasts.

Also, apart from this, weight plays an important role in breast size.

As you gain weight, your breast size may increase and vice-versa.


MYTH 02: You should never sleep with a bra on

It is again a very popular misconception about not sleeping with a bra.

People believe that it hampers the blood flow to the breasts and causes harm to them.

Though this is true to some extent, it doesn’t mean you cannot sleep with any bra.

Indeed, it would help if you did not sleep with a tight-fitting or underwire bra.

This is because your breasts move in different positions while you sleep. They need space to move and be free.

If they help tighten, it might cause tension in the breasts.

However, you can avoid wearing tight and uncomfortable underwire bras.

Instead, you can wear more comfortable ones, with softer fabric and loose fit.

They’ll give your breasts enough space to adjust freely while sleeping and help them breathe too.


MYTH 03: If you have breast pain- something is wrong!

Most of the time people relate breast pain with some disease or health issue.

Although this is not a fact to be ignored, it’s not true always.

Sometimes, normal breast pain can be due to swelling in the breast tissues.

Or, there might be inflammation or swelling in the chest muscle and bones.

Another reason for breast pain is extreme physical activity without a support bra.

Running too hard or exercising can also cause pain in your breast muscles.

This should not be panic or associated with a serious condition.

If the discomfort persists for too long, you must consult your doctor.

On the contrary, you can follow Breast Enlargement Workouts to achieve bigger and healthier boobs naturally.

Other common reasons for breast pain are briefly mentioned below:

  • Tight fitting bra
  • Breastfeeding
  • Heavy workouts
  • Hormonal changes
  • Small infections or allergies

These are some of the factors that cause breast pain that is not due to underlying disease.

Otherwise, some breast pains can be quite normal and should not be worried about.


MYTH 04: Breasts don’t grow after puberty

Most women are constantly worried about their breast size.

Everyone wants aesthetic and appealing breasts that enhance their figure.

However, for many women, breasts do not grow much until their puberty.

This leads to a widely-believed myth about breast size and puberty.

Usually, a girl’s breasts start growing around 8 years of age and continue up to 14 years. However, they can even keep growing up to 18 years of age.

The breasts generally form mammary glands and fatty tissue during this period.

But this period can differ for some women.

Some women experience full breast growth up to their puberty while some don’t.

Breast tissues continue to change throughout life.

This is why, in some women, breasts do not grow much until puberty, but suddenly grow in adulthood.

Furthermore, hormonal changes and genetics also play a vital role in this.


MYTH 05: Nipple discharge can be an onset of a disease

In pregnant women, nipple discharge is a common thing due to lactation.

While in others, it can be a result of hormonal imbalances or changes.

It generally occurs in adulthood or after breastfeeding.

Nipple discharge is a typical part of breast functioning during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Sometimes it is associated with menstrual or fibrocystic changes as well.

Also, it is completely normal if you’re trying to conceive or if you’re pregnant.

Breast discharges can be normal and not an indication of any disease.

A milky discharge is normal to appear after 2 to 3 years of nursing and from both breasts.

Below are a few cases where the discharge is normal:

  • If the discharge is white or green.
  • If the discharge is happening from both breasts.

However, if you notice discharge in one breast or a specific duct, you need to get checked up.

If the discharge is smelly or discolored, it might be a symptom of an infection or disease.


MYTH 06: Many lumps in the breast during a self-examination. Breast cancer?

It is good to examine your breasts for any unusual lumps or signs that lead to cancer.

However, not every lump or deformity is associated with breast cancer.

Sometimes, you might notice many small lumps in your breasts which can be stiff breast tissue.

Breast tissue is generally lumpy and non-uniform. It can be soft in some places, while bumpy in others.

This might sometimes feel like lumps in the breasts.

Furthermore, breast tissue is usually made up of many different components.

Those small lumps can be build-ups of stroma, milk, or fat as well.

Thus, you do not need to freak out if you encounter multiple small lumps.

However, you should still get checked up to rule out any health conditions.


MYTH 07: Breasts can sag due to breastfeeding

Many people believe that breastfeeding causes sagginess in the breasts.

It is a common misconception among people and is strongly believed.

However, this is false and is an utter myth.

The fact is that there is no change in breast shape or size due to breastfeeding.

If you are a lactating mother, this should be the least of your concerns.

Further, what usually seems to be sagginess is an increase in breast size.

This is due to pregnancy weight gain. This is generally confused with sagging breasts.

Moreover, research shows that breastfeeding does not cause any change in the following:

  • Breast shape
  • Breast size
  • Tightness of the breasts.

Not even the weight gained during pregnancy or the duration of breastfeeding your kid can sag your breasts.

Hence, there can be many other reasons for sagginess in the breasts but not breastfeeding.


MYTH 08: Dense breasts- is it abnormal?

Breast density varies significantly among different women.

Some women have softer and less dense breasts, while some have denser breasts.

Although there is no reason to worry about this, people believe this untrue myth.

Further, breast tissue depends largely on genetic factors, hormonal levels, and age.

It is a combination of these three factors and is different in every woman.

Less dense breasts have higher amounts of fatty tissues. While dense breasts have higher amounts of glandular and fibrous connective tissue.

Moreover, breast density is also affected by many other factors.

These factors include age, body mass index, and having children.

This is often inherited and has nothing to do with health risks.

Therefore, if you have dense breasts, you do not need to worry.

It doesn’t mean you have some disease or deformity.


MYTH 09: No lumps- No breast cancer

People usually associate the presence of lumps in breasts with breast cancer.

If they are present, you have cancer, if not, you don’t have cancer.

But this is not true. The fact is that irrespective of the presence of breast lumps, you can have cancer.

If you have examined your breasts and there are no lumps, it doesn’t mean you are cancer free.

Moreover, in many cancer cases, women have shown up with significant cancerous levels.

These are without the prominent presence of lumps in their breasts.

Sometimes the cancer cells can be deep-seated and do not appear as lumps near the surface.

Hence, they cannot be externally felt or touched.


MYTH 10: Breast implants are permanent

Most people believe that once breast implants are received, they will last lifelong.

However, that is not true at all.

Breast implants are made up of silicon, and need to be replaced over a period of a few years.

Usually, they come with a 10-year warranty, which can exceed a little further too.

After some time being inside your body, they need to be replaced with new ones.

Hence, these were the most popular misconceptions about breasts, along with their facts.


Conclusion – Breast Myths And Facts

This article well-mentioned the infamous myths and misconceptions about breasts.

Though they are much famous, people know little about them.

Furthermore, most of the information people have about breasts is untrue.

For this reason, we constituted this blog with complete facts.

These facts are about some popular myths about female breasts.

This blog will help people to understand factual information regarding breasts.

Due to believing untrue information, women tend to ignore their breast health.

Also, false conceptions about breasts might lead to health issues among women. They might also pose serious risks.

The most serious risk associated with breast health is breast cancer.

It is essential to have true knowledge regarding your breasts.

With actual knowledge, you’ll know how to well-examine your breasts. Also, you will know what actions to take appropriately.

Apart from myths, we also mentioned thoroughly researched breast facts and tips.

These will not only help bust the misconceptions but will help correct them as well.


FAQs – Breast Myths And Facts

Let us take a look at some of the most curious questions asked by women about their breast health.


  1. Can a woman’s breasts be different in size?

Of course, yes. No two body parts are ever a mirror image of each other.

It is completely normal to have one breast of a different size and the other a different one.

It is also proved that most women have different-sized breasts.

However, this difference is minute and not much visible to normal eyes.


  1. Do breasts get stiff before periods?

Usually, there is a flush of hormones and chemicals in your body before your period starts.

This can lead to many heightened symptoms in your breasts.

Hence, a little hardness in breast tissues is completely normal around 1 to 2 weeks before periods.


  1. Is nipple itching normal?

Usually, nipples are not supposed to itch or get irritated.

But sometimes they might get dry or patchy due to weather or some products.

This might cause normal and little itchiness in the area.

Thus, if you feel a little itchy around your nipples, don’t freak out. If the itchiness persists for a long, consult your doctor straight away.


  1. Are hairs on nipples common?

Many women have little and sparse hair around their nipples.

This is common and normal. There is nothing to worry about them.

This little hair can be a result of hormonal changes and age.

Especially, the areola is the region where this hair can spring up at some stage of your life.

This region naturally contains hair follicles. However, the amount of these follicles varies differently in women.


  1. What are the usual causes of breast sagginess?

Breast tissues are soft and tender.

They need proper support to hold them in place. If you have got larger breasts, gravity pulls them down.

This can cause sagginess in breasts.

Also, wearing an unsupported, loose bra with extra soft material can cause them to sag.


  1. How often should we self-examine breasts for good breast health?

There is no limit to examining your breast tissue for any unusual occurrences.

The first and foremost step should be to get familiar with your own breast structure.

Over time you’ll get used to noticing what’s normal and what’s not.

As for self-examination, you should do it at least once every month.


  1. What foods cause harm to breast health?

For good breast health and to steer clear of breast defects, you should avoid certain foods.

Fatty foods such as butter, high-fat meat, and dairy products should not be taken in excess.


  1. Does using non-organic deodorants block sweat glands and ducts?

Absolutely not. This is also a misconception among people, which is absolutely false.

No research or medical study has evidence that deodorants can be harmful to your breast tissue. So, relax.


  1. Are breast lumps before periods a matter of concern?

Usually, you might notice some mild lumps in your breasts just before the period has to start.

This can be due to hormonal rush which causes benign cysts.

These go away as your period starts. Hence, you do not need to worry about them. They are completely normal.


  1. Should we often get mammography done?

In order to stay ahead of any potential health risks, mammography is a good option.

It helps you be sure of the status of your breast health.

However, it is more advised for women above 40.

That too, not very often, but at least yearly.


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