Why Does Morning Wood Happen? Early Morning Erections Explained!

What Causes Morning Wood

Most of you might be familiar with the morning erections also known as the morning wood.

Morning wood brings in a lot of problems for a man ranging from unconscious embarrassment to an urge to masturbate that is just uncontrollable.

But have you ever wondered what happens when you stop getting it?

Well, the following blog will help you identify as your regular morning wood as an important sexual health informer.

Morning wood, also known as the nocturnal penile tumescence is the hard erection you get early in the morning making you feel like Hard Wood.

But it is not related to any sexual fantasy and is a regular health reaction of your body.

Usually, the boners that you get in the morning show good health as it means that your blood circulation to your penis is perfectly fine.

But when you start seeing a problem in your morning wood, there is nothing to be happy about it as it may indicate poor health and underlying sexual issues.

Thus, if you are suffering from any such morning wood problem, reading the following blog without skipping any part is a must.

With that being said let us give you a detailed view of what is morning wood.


What Is Morning Wood?

Morning wood has no such relation with your sexual dreams as you might associate it with. Thus, you cannot call it a typical erection.

Rather your morning erections are a sign of a healthy sleep cycle and good circulation across your nerves.

If you have ever made a note in your sleep cycle, you must have seen that there is a phase where you half awaken.

This is called the rapid eye movement and is the phase when your penis gets ready to stand high!

During your regular sleep cycles, rapid eye movement (REM) happens numerous times. But when you are in your deep sleep, your boner just goes away without you even knowing a thing about it.

Thus, it shows that in a single night you experience many boners which you might not know about.

Now you might ask why do guys get morning wood and not at any other part of the night.

The answer is that usually, the last REM you have is at the end of your regular sleep cycle, where you wake up and tend to see your tool standing high.

Moreover, morning wood is also a contribution to the high testosterone levels that you see in the morning.

However, one thing that has to be noted is that your regular erections and morning woods are two different things.

The reason why we are stating this is that many men have reported pain during morning woods, but pleasure in usual erections.

With that being said, let us move towards our next section.


What Causes Morning Wood?

Many factors contribute to your morning erections. According to the doctors, the following theories support why men have morning erections.

#1. Physical stimulation

Even when you are asleep, your body is fully aware of what is happening around you. If your penis gets accidentally stimulated you might get an erection by morning.

All your body senses will react in the form of erections.

#2. Hormonal changes

Early morning sees high testosterone levels in your body. As soon as your REM sleep cycles end, and you wake up, the first thing to go up is your T-level.

This hormonal elevation is enough to shoot up your penis without any physical stimulation.

When you begin to age, your testosterone levels also start decreasing leading to a decrease in the morning wood episodes.

#3. Relaxation

When you are fully awake, your body releases hormones to curb down your erections. However, when you are fast asleep, your body does not release any of those hormones.

These factors contribute to why do men get morning wood. Apart from this, never believe that your morning wood is a result of your sexy dreams.

Now since you have got an idea of what it is and what causes morning wood, let us have a special focus on who gets morning woods?


Who Gets Morning Wood?

Men from all age groups experience morning wood or NTP medically. You don’t have to worry about it is taking place at an early age, as it is still pointing towards your healthy body.

Moreover, if we had to give an age when you will start witnessing NTP, then we would say boys as young as 8 years old can see morning wood scenarios.

It can also occur in men older than 60 and still would be a healthy sign!

However, if you start seeing fewer episodes of morning wood, then we can say you need to worry about your health.

Apart from that, men also experience many episodes of erection in a single night, while others experience a morning erection for a longer duration like 30 minutes.

You can also have a hard erection that could last for more than 2 hours while you are not even aware of it!

Altogether, morning wood is not usually, a matter of concern when you are witnessing it, but if you are not witnessing it, problems can be grave.

But for analyzing whether your episodes of morning wood are healthy, you need to know how frequently is morning wood considered healthy.

Thus let us move towards our next section.


How Frequently Should Morning Wood Occur?

Morning wood occurs in all age groups and can often end up for longer durations depending on your testosterone levels.

Moreover, morning wood can occur each morning and one might also experience multiple erections in one night.

However, sexual maturity mostly picks up a pace by the age of 30s when peak testosterone levels are recorded.

Thus, it is quite usual for men of this age to experience constant erections.

When you reach the age of mid-50ss, you might start seeing fewer morning wood scenarios as with age your testosterone levels start dripping.

Apart from this, some natural physiological factors like hormonal imbalance can also reduce your morning wood.

Thus, you don’t have to worry about your morning wood being solid hard, rather you got to worry about your morning wood is weak.

Moreover,  different pieces of research say that problems like hypogonadism where people see fewer testosterone secretions, cases of weak morning wood are seen.

Even poor quality of sleep can be a reason behind irregular morning wood, and also affect your typical erections.

According to a study conducted with 61 participants showing cases of obstructive sleep apnea, and erectile dysfunction showed frequent morning wood because of the good quality of sleep.

Another study showed that morning wood is an indicator of good health in patients undergoing treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Thus, morning wood is an important physiological check. But what if it completely stops?

Let us have a look at the answer.


What Does The Stoppage of The Morning Wood Show?

As you already know that morning wood is a sign of healthy nerves and blood circulation, a question arises as to what if it stops?

In case you stop experiencing your regular morning wood might point towards an underlying health condition.

Usually, it points towards erectile dysfunction. However, you might also find some other factors that are preventing good blood circulation towards your body.

But in case you want to be sure about erectile dysfunction then have a check on the following factors that point towards ED:

  • Overweight
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Diabetes
  • Depression

Major physical disabilities also make you more prone to ED.

There are certain medications too that contribute to your infrequent morning wood episodes.

Apart from this age factor plays a major role in your morning wood, thus make sure you have a proper check on that.


When Should You Visit A Doctor For Your Morning Wood?

Morning wood doesn’t need a doctor as it points towards a healthy body. However, two major situations point towards an urgent need for a doctor’s appointment.


#1.When you stop getting morning wood

If you once used to see frequent episodes of morning wood, but now the numbers are decreasing or it has completely stopped, you must get your appointment soon.

While it’s quite natural for morning wood to slow down with age, but before age, if you are seeing it, you need treatment.


#2. Painful Morning Wood

Usually, morning wood subsides within 30 minutes and does not cause any pain. However, if you start experiencing painful erections, you must make your appointment soon.

However, you might confuse between too much and too little when talking about morning wood. Some men see regular episodes of morning wood, while others find it once a week.

Thus, a perfect solution is keeping a check on your morning wood episodes with the annual physical medical mechanism.

With that being said, let us also suggest some ways with which you can boost up your morning wood.


How To Charge Up Your Morning Wood?

Morning Wood is usually associated with testosterone levels. Thus, what you need to take care of are your testosterone levels.

You can try on a healthy diet and lifestyle full of exercise and good quality sleep.

This will not only enhance your testosterone levels but also your overall sexual health.

Apart from this, you can also try on some natural health supplements that give you a balanced dose of nutrients and vitamins for healthy erections.



Morning wood which was once all hectic and embarrassing for men has got a huge role to play in your usual health checkups.

You will be surprised to find how important your morning wood is for analysis whether you have good healthy nerves or not.

They also show you how good you’re circulatory system is.

Thus it is important to keep a good check on your morning wood as it marks an important sexual character for your body.

Apart from this the above blog also highlights some important facts on what morning wood is and why does morning wood happens?



  1. How do you prevent morning wood?

Morning wood should not be prevented as it is a healthy sign for your body. But if you want it to subside soon you can try the following tips:

  • Distract yourself – Start thinking of something that stresses you out as that is the best possible way to prevent unwanted attraction.
  • Shifting position – This will give you two benefits, first, it will prevent your erection, secondly, it can also help you hide your erection.
  • Meditation – It is quite similar to distracting your mind. Your meditation will flush out all the negative thoughts and help you stop getting unwanted erections.


  1. Is morning wood caused by pee?

Medical pieces of evidence prove that a full bladder can be a reason behind your morning wood. According to science, a full bladder stimulates an area in your lower spine that causes erection as a reflex.

A physiological benefit that you get with the morning wood, is that it prevents you from wetting the bed.

This is the reason, why some of you might not want to go to the washroom but will see your penis standing upright and then finally realize that you need a washroom.


  1. Is it bad if I don’t get morning wood?

If you are waking up and not seeing frequent episodes of morning wood, then that could be an alarming sign.

Morning wood usually shows good health and blood circulation to your penis.

But when your morning wood does not show up, it usually means that you might be suffering from underlying medical issues like ED.

Erection health and morning wood have a close relationship, where many factors can contribute to in-frequent morning wood thus hampering your sexual health.

Some reasons behind it could be hormonal imbalance, while for ED you might need to have a medical test.



  1. How do I get my morning wood back naturally?

There are 8 major ways how you can protect and naturally get back your morning wood:

  • Keeping your body weight in the natural range – being obese has a huge negative role in decreasing your ability to perform well in bed.

Obesity brings in health problems that result in poor erection.

  • High blood pressure and ED – High blood pressure has many negative health effects on your body and ED is one of them.

It is thus quite important to have a regular check on your blood pressure and work towards keeping it normal.

  • Healthy diet – Smoking and alcohol are the two biggest enemies of erections and when you couple it with all the junk, you are leading nowhere.

Thus make sure you take a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals.


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