What Are The Early Signs of ED? Best Treatment Options Available

Early Signs of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is quite a common sexual problem these days. But most of the men don’t have enough knowledge about this medical condition and how it can be cured.

Thus, here we are to help you gather some vital information about erectile dysfunction.

Our following sections cover some early signs of erectile dysfunction along with tips and advice that you can follow to get rid of it.

But before that let us ask you one thing, what exactly is erectile dysfunction?

Well, erectile dysfunction is a medical condition where one fails to keep his erections for a longer duration.

To be more precise, your penis won’t allow you to penetrate your partner, as it won’t be hard enough.

Since many people tend to ignore this problem and think it is self-treatable, let us highlight the fact that it is not something to be ignored.

Erectile dysfunction needs treatment which could be in the form of supplements, exercise, or some superfoods.

With that being said, we start with helping you out in understanding your penis better by bringing forward the early signs of erectile dysfunction.


What are the signs of Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunctions start spreading out of its legs with few signs and symptoms. The right knowledge about these symptoms will help you get rid of them as soon as possible.

Thus here are some of the warning signs of erectile dysfunction that you must know about!

#1. Struggle to stay hard

Any change in your pattern of erection is a trigger for you to think in the direction of erectile dysfunction.

While it will definitely not happen overnight, but gradual changes in your erections can get you into some serious stress.

However, there are many reasons for changes in erections, like poor sleep quality, stress, and alcohol. But if you can’t see any of these reasons being behind your poor erection, then make sure you check for the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

#2. You don’t crave sex

If you no longer feel the urge to blow off your partner the way you used to, this can be a serious matter for your testosterone levels.

As sex drive is regulated by testosterone levels, low T-levels can be a reason behind your lazy sex life.

However, it’s not a serious issue as testosterone levels can be brought back to normal by exercise and superfoods.

You try following strength training exercises to give your libido a boost. While cardio is also a great choice for bringing back the stability in your sex life.

#3. Morning Hard-Ons are an old thing

Your morning hard-ons might be troubling you, but those hard-ons actually indicate your good health.

Those morning erections show that the blood vessels to your penis are working good and the blood flow is apt.

Thus, if you don’t find your friend waking up with you in the morning, you must reach out for details on erectile dysfunction.

#4. Cholesterol and blood pressure readings are high

Blood vessels have deep associations with your penile health. And when it comes to ED, you must have an eye on your cholesterol and blood pressure readings.

High cholesterol and blood pressure cause damage to blood vessels, thus impacting the blood flow to your penis.

#5. On a new medication?

High cholesterol and blood pressure levels might have led you to get on some new medications. But these drugs again hurt your penis.

Most of the anti-depressants and high blood pressure medications make it difficult for the hormones and chemical signals to reach your brain and act on your penis.

Thus, if you are struggling with your erections, the reason might be those medications.

Longer usage of those medications will ultimately lead to ED.

#6. Tender and bleedy gums

One of the early signs of erectile dysfunction includes bleeding gums! But you must be wondering how can a problem in the mouth be associated with your manhood?

Gum diseases cause inflammation that damages blood vessels, which ultimately prevents good blood flow to your penis.

#7. Kidneys are on health issues!

A lesser-known fact is that poor kidney health can be an early sign of erectile dysfunction too!

Many medical conditions are occurring in the kidney that interferes with your hormones, blood flow, and your stamina.

Kidney diseases mostly cause emotional and physical problems thus impacting your sexual performance.

Moreover, these diseases can also cause low libido but with the treatment, you will be back to normal.

What you also need to know is that not every man facing kidney problems are diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, but if you face a problem with erections, we suggest you consult a doctor.

#8. Poor sleep pattern

The deterioration of the quality of sleep is a major early sign of erectile dysfunction and any other sexual problems.

Lack of sleep can be a reason behind your inability to stay hard. It does not matter if you are suffering from sleep apnea or stress, poor sleep causes a lack of T-levels.

The whole combination of low T-levels and lack of sleep come together to kill your sex life and your erections.

Thus, make sure you get enough sleep if you wish to rock on the bed.

With this, we come to the end of our first section that shows you the early signs of erectile dysfunction.

Now the next important question is – Can erectile dysfunction be cured?

The answer is YES!

There are many ways with which you can treat your erectile dysfunction.

To help you out with the erectile dysfunction treatments, here we have the next section laying out some natural methods.

How to treat erectile dysfunction?


There are different ways with which you can treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Here in this section, we bring out three of the best ways to do so!

Foods for Erectile Dysfunction

You already have an idea about what a balanced diet does to your body. But ever wondered what you should eat to brush up your specific body parts?

Well, let us handle that for you, here is a list of 10 foods that you can try to make your penis dodge all the problems at one go.

#1. Spinach for testosterone levels

Spinach is a rich source of folate that has a vital role in enhancing your blood flow. Another component found in spinach is folic acid.

It boosts your sexual performance and its deficiency has been linked with erectile dysfunction.

What spinach does for your penile health?

  • Provides folic acid to dodge erectile dysfunction
  • Contains magnesium that boosts testosterone

#2. Coffee for better sex

Studies show that taking around two to three cups of coffee a day can help in preventing erectile dysfunction.

Moreover, caffeine is also found to be a blood flow enhancer thus leading to stronger erections.

What caffeine does to your penis?

  • Prevents erectile dysfunction
  • Enhances blood flow

#3. Apple peels for a healthy prostate

Apple peels are a rich source of ursolic acid that stops the growth of prostate cancer cells.

However, you must consult a doctor for getting your prostate cancer treated, as apple peels just act as a preventive measure.

What apple does for your penis?

  • Increases prostrate survival rates

#4. Avocados for high libido

Avocados provide a healthy source of fats, vitamins, and potassium that get you in the mood.

But that’s not all, it also has Vitamin E and zinc, which enhance your fertility and libido.

What avocado does for your penis?

  • Boosts testosterone
  • Enhances sperm quality by providing Vitamin E

#5. Chili peppers

Studies show that men who consume spicy foods have higher testosterone levels.

While, it doesn’t mean that all the spicy foods give you a boost in testosterone, but just the capsaicin rich food does!

What chili peppers do for your penis?

  • Enhance testosterone levels
  • Triggers the release of endorphins

#6. Carrots for healthy sperm

Carrot has been found to enhance your fertility and sperm quality that works up for your bedroom romance.

Research shows that carrots are rich in carotenoids that have a positive role to play in your sexual health.

What carrots do for your penis?

  • Enhances male fertility
  • Improves sperm quality and motility

#7. Oats for better orgasm

Oats have been termed as powerful aphrodisiacs that give you the most pleasurable orgasms.

They are rich in L-Arginine that has been found effective in treating early signs of erectile dysfunction.

L-Arginine works on your blood vessels and helps you maintain hard erections.

What oats do for your penis?

  • Provide amino acids for better blood flow

#8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes offer several benefits for your penile health.

According to some vital pieces of research, tomatoes have lycopene that helps treat prostate cancer and many other sexual problems.

Tomatoes have been found beneficial in enhancing male fertility, and sperm quality.

What tomatoes do for your penis?

  • Prevent prostate cancer
  • Beneficial for male fertility

#9. Watermelon

Watermelon has active compounds that work similarly to the erectile dysfunction medications dor for your penis.

It also has beneficial effects on boost your sex drive.

Watermelons are rich in lycopene which has been associated with great prostrate health too!

So introducing watermelons in your diet would be of great use.

What watermelons do for your penis?

  • Enhance libido
  • Prevent prostate cancer

#10. Oysters

Oysters are known to be natural testosterone boosters because of the omega-3-fatty acids present in them.

They are also active in enhancing your sex drive.

But make sure that you eat well-cooked oysters.

What oysters do for your penis?

  • Boost sex drive
  • Enhance testosterone

With that being said, next, we have a look at a set of erectile dysfunction exercises that will help you get rid of it as soon as possible.

Exercise for erectile dysfunction


The signs of erectile dysfunction can be treated by following a proper diet and exercise routine.

Two types of exercises can be followed for treating erectile dysfunction:

#1. Kegel exercises

Kegels also known as pelvic floor exercises are highly beneficial for treating erectile dysfunction.

These exercises target the muscles at the bottom of your pelvis and thus enhances the blood flow to your penis.

However, it would take around 4-6 weeks of these exercises to show their results.

  1. Activating pelvic floor muscles
  • It quite a simple exercise but an important one, so follow the steps correctly:
  • Lie down on your back with your arms resting sideways, bend your knees, and keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Exhale and while doing so squeeze the pelvic floor muscles to the count of 3
  • Now inhale and release to the count of 3
  • Identify the right group of muscles as you might contract some other muscles.
  1. Sitting pelvic floor activation
  • Sit with your feet flat on the floor and your arms sideways. Keep your hip-width apart
  • Use the above technique activate the pelvic floor muscles to the count of 3
  • Make sure that your stomach, buttocks, and leg muscles are not contracting
  1. Standing pelvic floor activation
  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and the arms sideways
  • Using the above technique activate the pelvic floor muscles to the count of 3 and then release to the count of 3
  • Follow the same rules of contraction

Next, we talk about Pilates exercise.

#2. Pilates exercises

Pilates exercises are the ones that activate the right group of muscles for better health.

  1. Knee fallouts
  • It’s a beginners exercise and requires easy movement
  • Lie down on the floor with our feet flat and arms by the side
  • Keep your spine in a neutral position with space between the middle of the back and floor
  • Exhale while squeezing the pelvic floor muscles and lower one knee down. Keep the pelvis stable
  • Inhale and release the muscles while you have your knees bent
  • Repeat the other side
  • Start with 4-5 repetitions on each side
  1. Supine foot raise
  • Keep your knees bent with your back and feet flat on the floor.
  • Make sure that your arms rest sideways
  • Exhale while engaging your pelvic floor muscles and raise one foot off the floor
  • Inhale and lower the foot
  • Repeat with both sides

With that being said, let us have a look at some of the other popular ways to treat your ED.

#3. Other ways

You already have an idea about the foods and the exercise that you can follow daily for a healthy sex life. But there is another important addition that you can have to make things faster.

Here we are talking about the most popular erectile dysfunction treatment – Male Extra pills.

These pills combine herbal supplements, zinc, and niacin to give you amazing results in a short span of time.

All you need to do is follow the right routine with Male Extra by your side to see your sex life boost up.



Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in men these days. But the lack of proper knowledge is getting men quite nervous about handling it.

However, it’s quite common for men aging even 20 to see signs of erectile dysfunction.

So there is nothing much to be worried about!

But many of you might need answers to what causes erectile dysfunction in the 20s and many such questions.

Well, all the answers lie within the early signs of erectile dysfunction that you need to understand.

Thus, here we presented you with a blog that answers all your curiosities ranging from signs to the treatment of erectile dysfunction.



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