What Causes Vaginal Itching After Sex And How Is It treated?
If you have ever had an itchy vaginal area after having sex, you may have panicked and imagined a variety of explanations for why anything went wrong.
But there is no need to be concerned.
An itching vaginal area, especially after sex, is almost always caused by something very mild, and it is usually easy to treat.
If you are experiencing itching in the vaginal area after sex, this article is for you.
Why does the vagina itch after sex? What causes vaginal itching after sex?
How to stop itching down there?
We have answered all of these questions in this blog relating to the topic.
First, let us discuss what exactly is vaginal itching.
What is Vaginal Itching?
Table of Contents
Vaginal itching after sex that occurs just once in a while is generally nothing to be concerned about.
Vaginal irritation can be caused by insufficient lubrication or excessive friction during intercourse. If this is the case, merely avoiding sex for a few days may likely ease symptoms.
An allergic response, vaginal dryness, or an STD could be the culprit if symptoms persist or you encounter other symptoms.
Overall, if the symptoms are not prolonged vaginal itching has nothing to worry about and is easily treatable.
Having discussed what it means when we say vaginal itching, we now move to the various causes of vaginal itching, especially after sex.
Vaginal Itching Causes
So what causes vaginal itching?
In this section of the article, we will answer that very question.
There are a variety of reasons why your vaginal area may get itchy during or after sex, and it does not always indicate that something is badly wrong.
Following are some of the main causes of vaginal itching after sex:
Latex allergy
A latex allergy is an allergic reaction to latex proteins.
If you are allergic to latex, coming into contact with any latex-containing product, including condoms, can cause a reaction.
If you are allergic to condoms, your symptoms will vary depending on how sensitive you are and how much latex you have come into contact with.
Symptoms are classified into two heads:
Mild symptoms – redness, itching, rash
Severe symptoms – coughing, shortening of breath, wheezing, watery eyes
Itching is a typical symptom of vaginal infections, such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV).
Bacteria, fungi such as yeast, and parasites can cause vaginal infections.
Although some vaginal illnesses can be spread sexually, they are not all STDs.
Depending on the type of infection, the symptoms of vaginal infection can vary.
Common symptoms include:
Burning sensation while urinating
Pain during sex
Vaginal itching
Vaginal discharge
Vaginal bleeding
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Various STDs can cause vaginal itching inside after sex.
For instance, if left untreated, chlamydia can harm the reproductive system permanently.
The good news is that chlamydia is easily treatable. The majority of persons who have chlamydia have no symptoms.
They may have abnormal vaginal discharge and a burning feeling when urinating as a result.
If neglected, gonorrhea can lead to serious consequences. In women, it is frequently asymptomatic, although it might cause painful urination, increased discharge, and vaginal bleeding.
The majority of patients do not show any signs or symptoms, but those who do usually appear 5 to 28 days after receiving the virus.
A foul-smelling discharge, as well as pain or burning during intercourse and urination, are possible symptoms.
The following STDs may be the cause of vaginal itching.
Sperm allergy
It is possible that you are allergic to sperm – or, more precisely, to proteins found in the fluid that a penis discharges during intercourse – despite the fact that this is a rare occurrence.
Itching is one of the most prevalent symptoms of sperm allergy, and it usually begins 10 to 30 minutes after sex.
Other symptoms may include burning sensation, swelling, and redness.
You may not experience symptoms every time you have sex if you have a sperm allergy.
You may be fine with one individual but have an allergic reaction to someone else.
Even if you have been with someone for a long time, symptoms can emerge out of nowhere.
When to See a Doctor For Vaginal Itching?
If the symptoms linger after a few days to a week, even after you have tried lubricating the region, you should consult a doctor.
Infections like thrush and STIs may be detected and treated promptly, so it is best to be careful and get checked out.
In any case, if you are sexually active, getting a sexual health checkup should be something you do on a regular basis.
In case you are having a severe allergic response, seek medical attention right once and contact an ambulance.
If your itching persists or returns, you should consult your doctor, who will be able to assist you to figure out what is causing it.
If the following symptoms persist one should consult the doctor at once:
difficulty in breathing
cough and cold
loss of consciousness
runny nose
Now we will move on to the various treatments involving vaginal itching post intercourse.
Treatments include home remedies for vaginal itching and other medications and prescribed drugs.
Vaginal Itching Treatments
The cause of itching after sex influences the treatment.
Itching caused by an infection or an STD can typically be handled at home, but itching caused by an infection or an STD will require medical attention.
Firstly let us look at some home remedies to treat vaginal itching after sex.
Vaginal Itching Home Remedies
If the cause of the itching is not as severe as an STD or STI, one can apply certain home remedies to treat the condition.
Following are some of the home remedies which may prove useful:
Wash using sensitive-skin-friendly products.
If you have a mild yeast infection, use an over-the-counter yeast infection cream or treatment kit.
Until your symptoms improve, refrain from having sex.
Change to condoms that are not made of latex.
Maintain a clean environment. After you have washed your clothes, make sure they are completely dry.
Do not douche.
Soak in a bath of oats.
Now let us look into the various medications involved in the treatment of vaginal itching after sex.
Medical Treatments
Medication is required to treat the majority of STDs and other diseases.
Depending on the cause the following medications may be used:
Antibiotics, either oral, topical, or injectable
Corticosteroids, either topical or oral
therapy for warts on the skin
antiviral treatment
antifungal treatment
Cryosurgery and surgical laser removal are two methods for removing warts.
Before adopting any of the above-mentioned treatments, one should always consult a medical professional for expertise.
Now let us look into some of the ways in which one can prevent herself vaginal itching after sex.
Vaginal Itching Prevention
If you suspect you have an allergy, consult your physician.
If you have an allergy, you may be given an EpiPen to use in the event of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).
Avoiding contact with sperm if you have a sperm allergy will prevent an allergic reaction.
The simplest approach to do this is to use a condom every time you have sex. In the event of a serious response, you may also need to carry an EpiPen.
If you suspect you are allergic to latex, do not ignore it; symptoms might worsen over time.
As a result, you should avoid any latex goods, including latex condoms.
You can use synthetic rubber condoms or natural skin condoms instead, though the latter is not recommended if you want to avoid STIs.
If you have a severe reaction, you may need to carry an EpiPen, just as you would if you had a sperm allergy.
Wearing a condom while having sex can protect you from contracting or spreading an STI.
Always use condoms that have been thoroughly tested for safety – there should be a mark on the container to indicate this.
We will now discuss the most frequently asked questions of the people regarding vaginal itching after sex.
We have tried to answer all these questions to the best of our knowledge.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why does my vagina itch after sex?
There are a number of things that can cause vaginal itching after sex.
Some of the most common causes include:
Latex Allergy
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Sperm Allergy
Friction during sex
Can sperm cause itching?
Despite the fact that this is an uncommon occurrence, it is possible that you are allergic to sperm – or, more precisely, to proteins contained in the fluid that a penis discharges during intercourse.
One of the most common symptoms of sperm allergy is itching.
Other symptoms may include burning sensation, swelling, and redness.
What home remedy can I use to stop vaginal itching?
Following are some home remedies for vaginal itching:
Wash using sensitive-skin-friendly products.
If you have a mild yeast infection, use an over-the-counter yeast infection cream or treatment kit.
Until your symptoms improve, refrain from having sex.
Change to condoms that are not made of latex.
Maintain a clean environment. After you have washed your clothes, make sure they are completely dry.
Can too much sex cause a yeast infection?
Sexual activity can raise your chances of getting a yeast infection.
Yeast infections are not caused by sexual activity, and doctors do not consider yeast infections to be STIs.
Which ointment is best for vaginal itching?
Clotrimazole Vaginal Cream kills the yeast that causes vaginal yeast infections and relieves the itching and burning that comes with them.
Fill the applicator halfway with cream and inject one applicator full into the vaginal canal once a day, preferably before bedtime.
To sum up, vaginal itching is more common than you think and it is nothing to worry about.
Mild itching after sex that lasts for a few days is usually not a major problem.
If your itching does not go away after a few days of home treatment, or if you have a rash, sores, or other symptoms that could indicate an STD, see a doctor.
Jake Felix is a sexual health expert who has received his doctorate at the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists. Jake has researched and tested hundreds of sexual enhancement supplements designed to improve the sex life of both men and women. Read More...