Does Kissing Burns Calories? Types Of Kisses And Health Benefits

How Kissing Burn Calories

One kiss burns 26 calories! Now that’s a fantastic discovery but even raises questions.

According to the recent buzzes, Instagram reported a tone of Kissing Burns Calories Meme which made netizens scratch their heads.

But, in our reports, we did find some exciting answers for all of our readers this valentine’s week.

Though the kiss day is coming on the 13th of this month, here is your reason to start showering your partner with kisses right from this moment.

Kisses, are loaded with a hell of a lot of benefits that you might not be aware of, from fighting illness to giving you a good alternative for the treadmill.

Here is how kissing can be your favorite way to show your love this year. (and coming years).


The Science Behind Kissing – Can Kissing Burn Calories?

The American Journal of Medicine brings attention to the scientific study of kissing called philematology.

Science Behind Kissing

This brings out the scientific opinion on why kissing can burn calories by explaining the physiological effects of kissing:

  • It engages many muscles of the facial region along with orbicularis oris.
  • In total kissing can involve as much as 23 to 24 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles

The engagement of these muscles can help burn calories, in the following way.


How Kissing Burn Calories – Metabolic Pathways!

Kissing is not an exact workout exercise, but it does work similar to a workout as it also affects 112 postural muscles.

Postural muscles are the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen, and back that are affected during kissing according to your posture.

Depending on how intense your kissing is, there could be more workload on these muscles increasing the energy requirement.

This signal of increased energy need activates your metabolism that burns calories to convert into ATP (the energy currency of the body).

Secondly, kissing causes heavy breathing because of less oxygen entering the body, to compensate for the same, your heart pumps blood faster requiring more energy.

This again affects the calories taking up the calorie burn.

Altogether, the study does confirm that your act of romance can up your health too by burning several calories.

But this number is not too big!


How Many Calories Does Kissing Burn?

Many factors regulate the number of calories you burn during any physical activity:

  • Weight – people with more weight burn more calories as compared to those who weigh normal or less.
  • Age – as you age your ability to burn calories reduces
  • Sex – women usually burn fewer calories than males because they have less muscle mass
  • Intensity – the higher intensity of any activity burns more calories.

Hence to find out How Many Calories Does Kissing Burn An Hour or even a minute, we must consider these above factors.

Keeping all of these essentials in mind, we found the following analysis was on an average:

  • Simple kissing burns just 2 to 3 calories in a minute, which would be 120 calories in an hour
  • Passionate kissing can burn as much as 5 to 26 calories in a minute

The next section talks more about different types of kissing styles.


Different Types of Kisses – Burning More Calories!

Types Of Kisses

The number of calories you burn with a kiss also depends on:

  • The type of kiss
  • Your posture during the kiss
  • Use of hands during the kiss

There is no one way of kissing, there could be many ways of kissing depending on what you like:


#1. Casual Kissing

Casual kisses are simple pecks on the lips or just a kiss on the cheek. It doesn’t involve too many muscles and hence doesn’t burn many calories.

It just uses two facial muscles and burns on an average two to three calories because of not much work done by muscles.


#2. Passionate kissing

A kiss of passion involves you completely, submerging yourself in the passion brewing between you are your partner.

Usually, it involves using hands, many facial muscles, and even postural muscles and hence burns around 5 to 26 calories per minute.

This is almost equivalent to the calories you gain by eating a Hershey kiss chocolate.

Now that’s a lot of calories to burn!


There are many types of passionate kissing techniques that you can try for the same:

  1. Single Lip Kiss – sucking one lip of your partner is the most romantic way of saying I love you, but it even burns calories making it even a short workout for you!
  2. Lizzy Kiss – you can go a little dirty with your romance going to the next level with Lizzy’s kiss. This type of kiss involves extending your tongue and mingling it with your partner’s tongue. But in the end, it still does the calorie burn like other kissing techniques.
  3. American Kiss – hold your partner close and kiss her hard! But without using your tongue
  4. French Kiss locking your partner’s lips in your own while extending your tongue towards your partner’s tongue is an immense erotic move of love. But do you know How Many Calories Burn-In French Kiss? Well, more than 26 calories we must say!

Apart from kissing, what else goes along also makes a huge impact on how many calories you burn.

Kissing gives you an immense rush of hotness and sexual peak, which brings out your inner romance between the sheets.

This involves using hands, moving your body, and hence amplifying the number of calories you burn.


Romantic Gestures of Calorie Burning Session

Kissing initiates many other romantic body movements that can support more calorie burn and give you a steamy acute workout session:


#1. Full body makeout

If you love a little adventurous jolt in your body full body makeout for you is a short workout.

A makeout like in the movies, full of passion that makes you push each other against the wall and dive into a smooch is a definite treat for your body.

It can burn as much as 6 calories per minute or even more than that!


#2. Sex

Kissing is the key of foreplay that goes on into becoming good wild sex!

And sex according to studies is already a good way of burning calories.

For example, a 2013 study was conducted on heterosexual coupled where they were asked to wear an activity tracker for a month.

According to results, the tracker showed that women on average burnt 69 calories having sex for 25 minutes, and men burnt 101 calories during the same period.

Now that’s some good deal of calorie burn, and in fact, you can burn more calories during sex depending on your intensity.


#3. Oral Sex

Going down on your partner for an hour can make you burn more than 100 calories!

That’s obvious because oral muscles not just engage cheek muscles and other facial muscles but also postural muscles.

This requires a lot of energy to compensate for the heavy breathing and even the work done by muscles.

So eventually we know that getting romantic with your partner can be also a mode of burning calories.

But the benefits of kissing are not just limited till here.

There are many other benefits too that we discuss in the following section.


Other Benefits of Kissing


The scientific study of kissing also highlights the following exchanges during kissing:

  • 9 ml of water, 0.7 mg of proteins, 0.18 mg of organic compounds, 0.71 mg of different fats, and 0.45 mg of sodium chloride
  • Non-pathogenic bacteria


Other than that, it also focuses on the following other positive features of kissing:

  • Increases secretion of dopamine
  • Boost in the release of catecholamine
  • Endorphins boost
  • Increased production of saliva

All of these contribute to benefits of kissing like:


#1. Kissing increase your immune strength

According to a study published in the journal of Medical, Hypotheses kissing can increase the immunity of women against cytomegalovrisu.

It is a virus that often causes complications in pregnant women leading to birth defects.

The immunity is achieved because we exchange many non-pathogenic viruses and microorganisms as we kiss.


#2. Relaxes you

According to research by Lafayette College, kissing for 20 seconds releases:

  • Oxytocin
  • Dopamine
  • Endorphins

These hormones relax you and make you feel happy.


#3. Keeps your heart healthy

It helps lower your blood pressure and cholesterol by stimulating many systemic neurotransmitters and alterations in the central nervous system.

Since it also releases happy hormones, it reduces stress and hence can prevent many health risks.


#4. Decreases Pain

Because the release of endorphins and adrenaline reduces aches and other pains.

A study also claims that kissing produces histamine which helps relieve allergic reactions like running nose and sneezing.


#5. Can reduce risk of cavities

Kissing stimulates the production of saliva that fights off cavity-causing microorganisms by:

  • Flushing the organisms from the surface of the tooth
  • Acting as buffering agent keeping the pH alkaline
  • Washes away plaque

This can also reduce the risk of many other periodontal diseases.


#6. Rejuvenates your skin

That’s weird, right? But yes kissing is a good exercise for facelifting and helps shape up your jaws and face.

This is because it targets the facial muscles and tones them up!


#7. Improves marriages

Kissing can help you choose the right partner by sharing data about your immune system.

This is also called the histocompatibility complex where you compare your immune genes to your partners for better survival of offspring.


#8. Fires up your sex life

Kissing is the first step of foreplay that culminates into good sex. Sex can have many benefits for your body than just burning calories.

After all who doesn’t love the post-sex glow on your face.


#9. Builds strong bonding

Kisses build intimacy between you and your partner and hence boost your bonding.

It also boosts the release of love hormone or oxytocin among both men and women and lets you feel better for each other.



Earlier kissing was just limited to your romantic gestures, but now it can also be a good way of starting your day with a few calorie burns.

On the off chance that kissing paves way for lots of activities down the bed, it’s gonna be more fun than you can think off.

According to studies, a passionate kiss of just one hour can give you a whopping 120 calories off your body.

But the benefits are not just limited till there, but also extend way above covering your health and even your gums.

So it’s time to gain some good health, and some good relationship beginnings this season of love with kisses!


FAQs – People Also Ask For


  1. Does kissing help you lose weight?

Kissing does burn 5 to 26 calories in a minute, but that’s not enough to make you lose weight.

For losing weight the best way is to try to get on some good workouts and a healthy diet.


  1. Which kiss burns the most calories?

Normal kiss burns just 2 calories a minute, but kisses like smooches and French kiss can burn as much as 5 to 26 calories which is the highest calorie burn in any type of kissing.


  1. How Many Calories Does Cuddling Burn?

Hugging and cuddling your partner can burn as much as 70 calories in an hour.

Now that’s a crazy way of giving your body a good calorie burn but is gonna help you.


  1. Why does kissing burn calories?

Kissing causes oxygen deprivation which increases the pumping of the heart needing more energy.

This stimulates the conversion of calories into energy leading to higher calorie burn.


  1. Is tongue kissing healthy?

Tongue kissing can boost your immunity by exposing you to new microorganisms.

According to a study couples who kiss frequently share a common type of micro bacteria in their saliva.


  1. How many kisses do I need in a day?

Five kisses a day is a healthy foundation for strong relationships and even helps in many health benefits like burning calories and healthy teeth.


  1. Does kissing reduce face fat?

Kissing targets more than 30 facial muscles and tones them to reduce face fat. Kissing 5 times a day can burn more than 120 calories.


  1. How Many Calories In A Kiss Chocolate?

Hershey’s kiss chocolate contains 26 calories.


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