You might have met people who eat anything and everything and still don’t gain weight.
You could either be envious of them, or curious about why didn’t that belly come up.
After all who doesn’t want to know the secret behind a tiny waist but a good appetite?
Well, this isn’t a secret that’s coming from Aladdin’s lamp, rather it’s all about what your body has.
The answer comes down to the metabolism!
Metabolism or the group of reactions that fuel your everyday activities to some extent is responsible for weight gain!
While a slow metabolism, can make it tough to lose weight, High Metabolism Symptoms mainly include stress about being too thin.
But does metabolism have such a big impact on weight?
Let’s find out.
Metabolism And Weight Loss – Does good metabolism help in weight loss?
Weight management is all about managing the calorie balance.
- For weight gain, it has to be more calorie intake than you burn.
- For weight loss, its opposite
But the factors that govern this calorie balance are:
- Everyday activities including the diet
- Exercises or physical activity
- And BMR or the metabolism
While you know how activities and diet could impact weight loss, to understand how Metabolic Rate And Weight Loss could be connected, you need to know your metabolism closely
What is Metabolism?
Metabolism is a process that fuels all your body’s activities by converting your calories into energy.
The process involves a set of chemical reactions going into your body that combine calories with oxygen to release energy.
This energy is mainly used to carry out involuntary functions like breathing when you are at rest.
All those calories that the body burns during metabolism, are termed the basal metabolic rate.
There are two types of metabolism:
- Fast metabolism
- Slow metabolism
Types of Metabolism and Their Effects on Weight
Slow Metabolism
People with a slow metabolism tend to burn calories at a slower rate during rest and hence, such people can have a slower weight loss process.
This is because they tend to burn less number of calories during rest.
some of the common Slow Metabolism Symptoms that people are:
- unexpected weight gains
- easy fatigue
Fast Metabolism
People with a fast metabolism can burn calories faster during rest, and hence show symptoms like:
- Difficulty in weight gain
- Rapid weight loss
- Feeling hot and sweaty often
- Bigger appetite
Now the question is…
Do you need a fast metabolism to lose weight?
Can people with slow metabolism lose weight?
The answer could be complex as weight loss or gain depends on several factors including:
- Genetic composition of the body
- Hormonal balance
- Diet
- Lifestyle
- Physical activity
All these factors together create a balance between the number of calories you take in and the number of calories you burn.
For losing weight what matters is creating a state where you burn more calories than you eat.
Now there are two ways of burning more calories:
- Vamp up your basal rate or the rate at which your body burns calories at rest
- Increase the number of calories that you burn
Hence metabolism has just a little part to play in your weight loss journey.
Generally, increasing the metabolism or increasing the rate of calorie burn depends on the factor behind your general metabolic rate.
Factors Affecting Metabolism
The metabolism is either slow or fast depending on factors like:
- Body Size and composition – people with more muscle mass in their body have a higher metabolism and tend to burn calories at a higher rate.
- Sex – men tend to have more muscles than women and hence have a faster metabolism. You can notice this difference in women and men of the same age and same height too.
- Age – as people get older they tend to see a decrease in muscle mass and more fat accumulation resulting in slow metabolism.
- Genetic Factors – certain genes govern metabolism
- Hormones – three hormones, testosterone, cortisol, and thyroid-stimulating hormone can regulate your metabolism.
Out of all these factors, the genetically slow metabolism cannot be reversed or paced up.
But yes, metabolism could be paced up by making some changes!
That might help pull up your weight loss and also help with some great health benefits.
How And Why to Increase Metabolism Naturally?
You definitely wanna boost up your metabolism for some great belly loss, but there are also some other health benefits you might wanna pull your BMR for.
Health benefits of Boosting Metabolism
#1. Clears away all the toxins
A good metabolism helps keep your body free from any unwanted substances by clearing away toxins and wastes.
It does so by keeping your bowel movements and perspiration healthy.
#2. Enhances blood circulation
Healthy metabolism means healthy transportation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to different parts of the body including the muscles.
This supports your workouts too.
#3. Enhances mood
People with good metabolism have a well-functioning nervous system.
But when the metabolism slows down the amount of nutrition reaching the nervous system dips.
This can make you irritated, and annoyed and cause mood swings too.
#4. Effects on skin
A healthy metabolism keeps your skin firm and tight by maintaining good blood circulation, oxygen, and nutrition supply to the skin cells.
Since it also helps in flushing out toxins, your skin glows from within.
#5. Strengthens your immunity
Many metabolic boosters promise to boost your immunity too. Wondered why?
A healthy metabolism keeps your blood flow and components healthy including the white blood cells.
This strengthens your first line of defense.
#6. Boosts energy
Slow metabolism shows easy fatigue and tiredness across your face because it takes time to burn calories and provide you energy.
But boosting your metabolism gives you a boost in energy levels too.
With so many reasons to boost your metabolism, here is how you can naturally uplift your metabolism.
However, you cannot make your metabolism pace up permanently and hence you will have to keep the changes constant!
How to increase metabolism?

#1. Building Muscles
As you read above, the higher the muscles in your body the higher your metabolism.
Every pound of muscle that you have used is around 6 calories a day for sustaining itself.
On the other hand, the same amount of fat uses just 2 calories.
You can try strength training for building muscles.
#2. Increasing your workout sessions
You can boost your metabolism with just one hour of training with aerobic exercises.
High-intensity workouts can give your metabolism a boost for quite the long run as compared to low and moderate-intensity exercises.
You can try going for energetic jogging periods in between your regular walks to add up aerobic exercises to your workout.
#3. Hydration
Water is an important component of your body for burning calories.
With just mild dehydration your metabolism can slow down to a great level.
According to a study, people who drank 8 or more than that glasses of water had a better rate of burning calories than those who had 4 glasses of water.
Add up beverages in your post-workout session to keep yourself hydrated. However, avoid going for sweetened drinks.
#4. Energy drinks
Though some energy drinks have ingredients that can boost metabolism like the L-Taurine energy drinks can cause harm to your body.
There have been reports of energy drinks causing high blood pressure, anxiety, and sleep issues.
#5. Managing meals
Taking large meals after long hours of the gap can slow down your metabolism.
Hence plan short meals every 3 to 4 hours to let your metabolism stay active throughout the day.
#6. Thermogenic Ingredients
Many such foods have the property of boosting thermogenesis and your metabolic rate.
Usually, these foods are spicy dashes, for example, red chilies, red pepper flakes, and even red bell pepper. But the effect is usually short-term.
#7. Increasing the protein intake
Proteins are complex macronutrients and hence it takes more calories to digest them.
Try replacing the carbs in your platter with proteins.
Some of the good sources include turkey, fish, chicken, eggs, beans, tofu, and nuts.
#8. Black coffee
Coffee is packed with caffeine that gives you a quick energy boost and taking it in moderate amounts can give your metabolism a temporary boost.
It can also give you endurance for your workouts.
#9. Green tea
Green tea contains caffeine and catechins that together boost your metabolism for quite a time.
According to research, drinking 2 to 4 cups of green tea can help increase the rate at which you burn calories by 17%.
#10. Avoiding crash diets
People often go for diets that contain fewer than 1800 or 1200 calories.
Though these diets may help people lose weight it doesn’t work for your metabolism.
Rather they can slow up your metabolism.
Weight regulation is not always about the number of exercises and the type of diet you take.
Sometimes it could also be about whether you have a fit metabolism.
Though metabolism doesn’t play a major role in regulating your weight, it does have a small role that can leave an impact.
Hence, it is always good to keep your metabolic rate aligned with your health, by keeping your lifestyle, diet, and workouts perfect.
The best way of giving your metabolism a boost, by far has been building more muscles and keeping less fat accumulated in the body.
Metabolism And Weight Loss FAQs
How To Get A Fast Metabolism Permanently?
You cannot fasten up your metabolism permanently as to some extent it depends on your genetic composition too.
However, you can improve your metabolism temporarily by increasing your muscle composition and reducing the fat stored in your body with the help of weight training and strength training.
Why is my metabolism so slow?
According to research, metabolism can slow down with age as people tend to lose muscles because of less activity.
Also, internal aging of other parts of the body too can cause slower metabolism.
How do I get my metabolism into a fat-burning mode?
There are many ways in which you can shoot up your metabolism to lose weight.
Some of these ways include:
- Strength training
- High protein diet
- Taking enough sleep
- Keeping up with the fibers
- Going for whole grains and not refined carbs
- Increasing cardio
What foods slow metabolism?
Here are some of the foods that can slow down your metabolism:
- Refined grains
- Alcohol
- Traditional yogurt
- Fruit juice
- Soda
- Fried foods
- Farmed beef
At what age does metabolism slow down?
According to studies, the metabolism starts slowing down between the age of 20 to 60 at a drastic rate depending on your lifestyle and diet.
Post which it decreases at a rate of 1% every year.